Auxilium = help, support
We're a small, specialised, protection service provider offering a bespoke, tailor-made service through our team of dedicated protection experts.
We believe in social and corporate responsibility, and love to raise money when we can for causes close to our hearts. So, we've specially chosen charity partners that, like us, are small and whose bespoke support resonates with our values and aspirations.
We raise money in all sorts of ways, from team-building events to individual sponsored activities. And, in lieu of gifts - or where we choose not to take a fee for services - we ask for a donation to one of our charity partners.
Let me introduce you...

We've chosen Legacare because we believe in their values and purpose of making sure terminally ill people have access to the right legal support. See to find out more.

Daft as a Brush
We understand the hidden costs of cancer and for that reason, we've chosen Daft as a Brush Cancer Patient Care for the work they do transporting cancer patients free of charge from home to hospital for their treatment.